Latest News and upcoming events
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19th and 26th MARCH 2nd and 9th APRIL 2025
There will be a 4-week Lent Study Course in the Jubilee Room at 12 noon (bring your own lunch) on the above four Wednesdays based on the film ‘Chocolat’ called ‘Christ and the Chocolaterie’.
This is an enjoyable and hopefully challenging course, written by Hilary Brand. It has been a favourite Lent Study in many churches over the years, and I have used it with several groups. There will be some study books on sale soon at £5 each. Please consider committing some time to this group during Lent. Rev Helen
Past Events
On Sunday January 26th 2025, The Rt Revd Rhiannon King, Bishop of Southampton visited Holy Epiphany Church to confirm five candidates:
Emma, Harry, Ben, Luca and Matthew.
There were over sixty people present for the Confirmation and Sung Eucharist. We sang hymns chosen by the candidates, among them were: Amazing Grace, How Great Thou Art, Be Still For The Presence of the Lord.
Bishop Rhiannon preached about the Parable of the Seeds, and she showed all of us her episcopal ring and her pectoral cross which mean so much to her. We prayed for our young people on their journey of faith, that they will always find Holy Epiphany Church to be a place of sanctuary and a gateway to Jesus at the centre of their busy lives. They were presented with gifts from the church and from the Bishop.
A wonderful service was followed by Coffee & Cake!
The Advent Sunday breakfast Praise theme was Journeys. The journey of Mary and Joseph from Nazareth to Bethlehem is remembered in the Mexican custom ‘La Posada’ which means inn or resting place.
Our knitted family of Mary, Joseph and ‘Dave’ the Donkey are travelling around our parish visiting a different home or place each night. They will arrive back at church on Christmas Eve at the Christingle Service at 4pm.
Christmas Services
Harry, one of our Confirmation candidates shared his journey to faith following his teenage years of PTSD after an accident. He now feels safe and trusts in God’s love for him.
Adults and children, including Rainbows and Brownies brought new toys to be given to the Salvation Army to be distributed to local children for Christmas.
Christmas Fayre 11am-3pm
Saturday 16th November 2024, Holy Epiphany Church,
46 Castle Lane West
Something for everyone, over 44 stalls and games,
Valencia Baryton Project Concert 7.30pm
Saturday 23rd November, Holy Epiphany Church, 46 Castle Lane West
See poster for ticket information and contact details
For details see Home Page
Pimm’s and Hymns Joint Service of Holy Epiphany and St Francis
Sunday 8th September 2pm
Summer Cream Tea
17th August 2024
Our vintage themed summer cream tea created a lovely atmosphere with hand-embroidered tablecloths and “grandma’s” china gracing the tables which filled the main church area. The scones, jam, cream and home-made cakes were much enjoyed by everyone. The background music provided by our musicians added to the occasion.
We were very pleased to welcome many members of the local community to our event and over £200 was raised for the Caribbean Hurricane appeal.
Epiphany School Leavers Service
19th July 2024
The Epiphany School held their Leavers Service, in front of their Parents/Carers and other family members. It was a very moving service with pupils blending their memories of their time at Epiphany School with songs sung by year six, accompanied by year 5 in some, and some excellent solos.
(Much needed packets of tissues were handed prior to the service starting.)
Epiphany Pre-School Graduation
12 July 2024
Epiphany Pre-School held their graduation event in the church for all those leaving the pre-school and moving onto their Primary schools in September.
Installation of Nesting Boxes for Swifts
Photo: Matthew Barfield
26th June 2024
A ‘Swift Caller’ has been installed in one of the boxes to attract swifts to these new nesting sites.
11th June 2024
A set of 5 nesting boxes have been installed in the bell chamber at the top of the church tower.
Representatives from the CHOG (Christchurch Harbour Ornithological Group) Swift team, working together with BCP, suggested that our tower would be a perfect site for locating nesting boxes for swifts, as these birds are slowly losing their traditional nesting sites.
A team from the Southbourne Men’s Hub made the boxes and their manager Phil Johns from the hub kindly installed them.
Appointment of Helen Griffiss as Priest in Charge
17th May 2024
On Thursday 16th May 2024, we had the Licensing Service of the Revd Canon Helen Griffiss as our Priest in Charge.
The service was led by the Acting Bishop of Southampton, the Rt Revd Geoff Annas, supported by the Archdeacon for Bournemouth, the Venerable Jean Burgess, and the Area Dean, the Revd Canon Michael Smith.
It was a wonderful service attended by family and friends of Helen, the local congregation, and visiting LLMs and clergy.
From left to right: Joanne Davis, Alan Bright, Sue Bright, Revd Canon Michael Smith, Revd Canon Helen Griffiss, Venerable Jean Burgess, Bishop Geoff Annas, Linda Knight.