Church Services

We have a variety of Services throughout the year following a simple pattern, with additional services on special occasions. For services for Baptisms, Weddings and Funerals, please visit the Life Events page.

Scroll down below for details of all our special Lent and Easter Services 2025

Sunday Worship

1st Sunday of the month

9.30 am Breakfast Praise: a breakfast, followed by songs, prayers and readings following Christian themes, accompanied by choir and instrumental group.

2nd Sunday of the month

10 am Sung Eucharist (with robed choir and organist)

3rd Sunday of the month

10 am Holy Communion and hymns (with robed choir and keyboard)

4th Sunday of the month

10 am Sung Eucharist (with robed choir and organist)

5th Sunday (occasional)

The worship format may vary to suit the occasion

Weekly Services


Lent is a solemn season, leading up to the joy of Easter when Jesus triumphed over the sin of humankind who crucified him, and now he is alive in the world living in us and through us...our acts of goodness and kindness and love towards all people .We commemorate and celebrate these events in our church:

Wednesday 5th March: ASH WEDNESDAY, the first day of Lent:  Holy Communion with the Imposition of Ashes at 12 noon in the Jubilee Room of Holy Epiphany. (Palm crosses from last year's Palm Sunday have been burnt and the ashes are marked in a cross on our foreheads as a symbol of penitence)

Sunday 9th March: First Sunday of Lent: Sung Eucharist at 10 am. Our guest preacher is The Revd Georgi Thompson Leask, on Stewardship of our time, talents and money.

Sunday 16th March: Second Sunday of Lent: Holy Communion at 10 am.

Sunday 23rd March: Third Sunday of Lent: Sung Eucharist at 10 am; Baptism at 12 noon

Sunday 30th March: MOTHERING SUNDAY: Children-friendly Eucharist for all ages, with Flowers and Fuzzies at 10 am

Sunday 6th April: Fifth Sunday of Lent: 9.30 Breakfast followed by 10 am Breakfast Praise with Baptism.

Sunday 13th April: PALM SUNDAY: the beginning of Holy Week: 10 am Sung Eucharist with Palm Crosses, and The Liturgy of the Passion.

Thursday 17th April: MAUNDY THURSDAY: 7 pm Simple Hot Supper in the Jubilee Room, The Last Supper, Stripping of the Altar, and The Reproaches.

Friday 18th April: GOOD FRIDAY
: 10 am The Cross of Christ: a service shared with the Lutheran Church recalling the events of Jesus' crucifixion through words and music, in English and German, with transcripts. CHILDREN'S ACTIVITIES in the Jubilee Room during service, followed by Hot Cross Buns.

Sunday 20th April: EASTER DAY: 10 am:  A CELEBRATION SUNG EUCHARIST:  Lighting the Paschal Candle, joyous music, hunt the eggs, coffee & cake... and much more, to celebrate the most joyful day of the Christian Year! 

Festivals of the Church’s Year

Extra Services and Special Services are held at major festivals: Advent and Christmas, Epiphany (our patronal festival), Holy Week and Easter, and Harvest Festival.

See our diary for occasional services: Taize, Healing, Pet Service, All Soulstide, Remembrance, and services when we join with other churches.

The Martin Luther Church hold a regular service in our church in German on the 2nd Sunday of the month, starting at 3:00 pm in the summer and 2:00 pm in the winter.

Easter Services

  • A special evening Holy Communion service reflecting the last supper and the washing of feet, at the end of the service the Sanctuary is symbolically stripped down and the lighting reduced.

  • A morning special service, normally held jointly with the Martin Luther Church.

  • A celebratory Holy Communion service including the lighting of the Pascal Candle, and the decorating of a large cross with flowers.

Christmas Services

  • 16:00  Christingle / Nativity by Candlelight

    23:15  Midnight Mass

  • 10:00 Family Communion