Life Events
“Go and make disciples of all nations, baptising them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.”
Baptism and Confirmation
Baptism (sometimes called Christening) is a joyful event to celebrate a new Christian life. This is often for babies and young children who have Godparents to make the promises of belief on their behalf.
Sometimes, adults who have not already been baptised as infants decide to make these promises for themselves. None of us can be baptised twice, but as adults of any age, we can decide to be confirmed when we affirm the promises made for us at our baptism.
Baptisms take place on the first Sunday of each month, and you can choose to have this either during the Breakfast Praise Service or after that service at 12 noon.
We also offer a Thanksgiving for the Gift of a Child service for parents who do not yet wish to make the promises required for Baptism.
Confirmations take place at either our church or a neighbouring church, and the diocese sets the dates for a Bishop to come to us and lead the Confirmation service.
There is no fee for Baptisms and Confirmations because Jesus commissioned his disciples to baptise new Christians, so it is a gift from God!
For an informal chat about Baptism or Confirmation, contact Rev. Helen on:
Tel: 07896 953764 or email: revhelengriffiss@gmail.com
A beautiful church that seats 200 people to celebrate your special day!
The adjoining church hall is also available to hire.
Get married in our church!
The Priest will guide you through the preparation for a church wedding in the months beforehand to make it a day filled with glorious memories! You may choose your own appropriate music, hymns and readings.
We also offer a Renewal of Vows Service for couples wishing to celebrate a special milestone or anniversary in their marriage or giving thanks to God for having come through a difficult time.
For an informal chat about having your Marriage Service or Renewal of Vows at Holy Epiphany Church contact Rev. Helen on
Tel: 07896953764 or Email: revhelengriffiss@gmail.com
A funeral service for your loved one (often called a Thanksgiving Service) in Holy Epiphany Church is usually arranged jointly with a local funeral director and the Priest. You may have a service in church followed or preceded by Cremation or Burial.
During this sad time, we sensitively give thanks to God for a person's earthly life, asking for God's blessing in eternal life and praying for the family and friends who mourn their loss. Relatives may choose appropriate music, hymns and Bible readings.
Occasionally, parents experience the very sad loss of a young child, a baby, or an unborn baby and may wish to commemorate this young life in a very special way.
To chat about a Funeral Service in church, contact Rev. Helen on:
Tel: 07896953764 or Email: revhelengriffiss@gmail.com